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Your class will enjoy discovering the true identity of two boys who were separated from their parents a decade ago. Their mothers are identified by mitochondrial DNA and their fathers from chromosomal


DNA Fingerprinting by Restriction Enzyme Patterns

Basic concepts of DNA fingerprinting are featured in this lab by comparing crime scene DNA with suspect DNAs. Fingerprint patterns are separated by agarose gel electrophoresis and the students determi


Diffusion and Osmosis

In this experiment, students use artificial cells to study the relationship of surface area and volume. Then they will create models of living cells to explore osmosis and diffusion, and observe osmos


Cellular Respiration

In this experiment, students learn how to apply the gas laws to the function of the microrespirometer. Students will observe cell respiration of germinating seeds and describe the effects of temperatu


Cell Division - Mitosis and Meiosis

The objective of the experiment is for students to identify and differentiate various stages in mitosis and meiosis. Onion root tips are stained to identify the various stages and duration of mitosis.


How Does a Doctor Test for AIDS?

Your body defends itself from attack by infectious agents like bacteria & viruses by producing antibodies. Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISA) test for antibodies present in the blood, which in


DNA DuraGel™ (for 2 Gels)

DNA DuraGel™ gels are permanent polymer gels that allow students to practice the critically important skill of pipetting/gel loading. The clear, reusable gels are designed for the practice of loading


Melt and Pour UltraSpec-Agarose™ 400 ml

Melt and Pour UltraSpec-Agarose™ consists of 0.8% electrophoretic grade UltraSpec-Agarose™ in tris-acetate-EDTA buffer, pH 7.8. The agarose concentration is sufficient for the separation of DNA fragme


Electrophoresis Reagent Package with FlashBlue™ Stain

This Electrophoresis Reagent package contains enough reagents to perform up to 40 electrophoresis experiments with the EDVOTEK Electrophoresis Apparatus Model #M6, M12 or M36 based upon an agarose gel


Gel Loading (10x) Solution

This concentrated solution is used to prepare nucleic acid and protein samples for agarose or polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Gel loading solution includes protein denaturants and the negatively c


Practice Gel Load Solution (5 ml)

Practice Gel Load Solution (5 ml)


SYBR® Safe Stain

Save time, money, the environment...and get better gel results! SYBR Safe® is a DNA stain that fluoresces with a bright green color when excited with UV light. Like Ethidium Bromide, SYBR Safe® binds


Proteinase K

Proteinase K is required to prepare the lysis solution for isolation of DNA from hair. Proteinase K is a broad-spectrum serine protease which is stable over a wide range of pH. and is a convenient lyo


Small Petri Plates

(60 x 15 mm, 1 shelf pack of 20)


Microtest Tube Rack

Single rack


5 ml Pipets, Disposable (50 Pack)

5 ml Pipets, Disposable


10 ml Pipets, Disposable (50 Pack)

10 ml Pipets, Disposable



Precast Polyacrylamide 3 Gels

• (3) 4-20% Tris-Glycine-SDS Precast Polyacrylamide Gel (PAGE) • Size: 9 x 10 cm • Designed for Separating Protein Fragments 20-100 kDa • Each Gel Has 10 Wells • Well Volume is 30 µl • Requires Refrig


Tris-glycine-SDS Powdered Buffer

For protein gel electrophoresis


Next Generation 6/8 Tooth Double Comb

This next generation comb is compatible with EDGE, M12 & M36 electrophoresis and yields sharper bands with a more secure fit! *Not Compatible with Classic Gel Trays


Next Generation E-Z Align™ Tray (7 x 7 cm)

Features highlighted gel loading line and includes: Includes: (1) 7x7 cm Gel Tray and (2) Rubber End Caps *Not Compatible with Classic Combs & End Caps


Dryzyme® - Eco RI

Dryzyme™ samples are ready for restriction enzyme digestion reactions after rehydration and dissolving. Each of the 3 enclosed tubes contains 500 units of enzymes for a total of 1500 units. • Storage:


Dryzyme® - Bam HI

Dryzyme™ samples are ready for restriction enzyme digestion reactions after rehydration and dissolving. Each of the 3 enclosed tubes contains 500 units of enzyme for a total of 1500 units. Storage: So


Prestained Lyophilized Protein Gel Markers

Protein samples are denatured, lyophilized and ready for electrophoresis after rehydrating and heating. • Store in Freezer with Desiccant • 3 Tubes of Protein Marker, each tube contains material to lo


Chemotaxis: The Science of Attraction in C. elegans

All organisms are affected by 'scent' molecules in the environment, including a multicellular organism called Caenorhabditis elegans. These worms are composed of 959 somatic cells, of which 300 are ne


Invisible Footprints: Seeing Carbon Dioxide and Understanding Climate Change

What would happen if each person was in charge of their own personal atmosphere? In this colorful experiment, students actually are! Explore the global carbon cycle and climate change in a simple, pos


Water Quality Testing III: Multiplex PCR Testing of Water Contaminants

Drinking water is routinely tested for contamination. If a screening tests positive, more sophisticated tests are required. One such test uses PCR in multiplex format. In this experiment, students wil


Identification of Genetically Modified Foods Using PCR

Some foods contain raw materials from genetically modified organisms (GMO). Examples include tofu, corn flakes and corn meal. In this experiment, your students will extract DNA from food or plant mate


Long Wave UV Light

A hand-held UV light that is used to detect hydrolysis of the fluorescent substrate and fluorescent Artemia and Daphnia after their ingestion. Also useful for observing fluorescence in Green (gfp) and


Analysis of Mammalian Cell Types

Your students will be amazed at the differences they observe between various mammalian cell types and how these cells function. Cells are fixed on microscope slides and students stain the cells on the


Chromosome Spread (Pre-Fixed Slides)

During mitosis, each of our chromosomes is duplicated. The chromosomes are then separated during mitosis, moving to opposite ends of the cell before cell division. In this experiment, cells have been


Researching Alzheimer's Disease by ELISA

In this experiment, students will become neuroscientists searching for Alzheimer's Disease biomarkers. Students will explore potential biomarkers by analyzing simulated patient samples from control an


Artificial Selection

Students will perform artificial selection on a population of Quick Plant™, and identify traits that vary in the population. Then they will perform artificial selection by cross-pollinating only selec


DNA Samples ONLY for 24 Gels in Microtest Tubes

This experiment introduces students to the principles and applications of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). This simulation experiment does not contain human DNA and does not require a thermal cycl


Mapping of Restriction Sites on Plasmid DNA

DNA mapping is a common procedure used to determine the location of genes. In this experiment, DNA markers and pre-digested plasmid DNA fragments are mapped using agarose gel electrophoresis. • Unders


Principles of Gel Filtration Chromatography

Introduce chromatographic separation to your class and show them how dyes of different colors separate on the basis of their size and shape. This experiment contains materials for dye separation which


DNA Samples ONLY for 24 Gels in Microtest Tubes

Immortality through uncontrolled cell division is a characteristic of cancer cells. The p53 gene is a tumor suppressor gene which prevents this. Mutations in this gene are present in more than 50% of


DNA Samples ONLY for 24 Gels in Microtest Tubes

Elevated blood cholesterol has been established as a serious risk factor for coronary heart disease and stroke which are leading causes of death in the United States. A disease known as familial hyper


Ready-to-Load DNA Sequencing

Introduce your students to the exciting science of DNA Sequencing. This kit contains the four Ready-to-Load sequenced DNAs (nucleotides A, C, G, & T) in an easy to use, safe format. Students load the


Detection of Genetically Modified Organisms

For centuries, humans have used selective breeding and conventional hybridization to produce desirable qualities and to increase crop yields. Today, scientists use genetic engineering to directly mani


Determination of Protein Molecular Weight

Using prestained LyphoProteins™, subunit molecular weights are determined by analysis using denaturing SDS vertical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Prestained Proteins with unknown molecular weigh


Detection of a Simulated Infectious Agent

NGSS-aligned with MS-LS2.C An infectious outbreak requires prompt & accurate identification of the biological agent. Often, early clinical symptoms are first identified in exposed individuals & then i


Forensics Enzymology

Enzymes can accomplish a lot but can they also solve a crime? In this simulation experiment, students will determine the level of the enzyme amylase for two drivers to determine who was responsible fo


Mini-Prep Isolation of Plasmid DNA

Small-scale rapid isolation of plasmid DNA is a routine procedure used for screening and analysis of recombinant DNAs in cloning and subcloning experiments. In this experiment, students isolate plasmi


Going Un-Viral: Virus Quantification Using Plaque Assays

In this simulation experiment, students will use a viral plaque assay to determine the viral load of two patients undergoing antiviral treatment. They will then share classroom data to evaluate the tr


DNA/RNA Microarrays

Membrane microarray technology is enabling scientists to screen large numbers of samples in one assay. This technology has led to cost savings by reducing the sample size, while saving time and yieldi


LyphoProtein™ Samples ONLY for 12 Gels in Microtest Tubes

LyphoProtein™ samples for 12 groups • Store Desiccated @ -20° C • Use within 9 months of receipt


Showing products per page


Your class will enjoy discovering the true identity of two boys who were separated from their parents a decade ago. Their mothers are identified by mitochondrial DNA and their fathers from chromosomal


DNA Fingerprinting by Restriction Enzyme Patterns

Basic concepts of DNA fingerprinting are featured in this lab by comparing crime scene DNA with suspect DNAs. Fingerprint patterns are separated by agarose gel electrophoresis and the students determi


Diffusion and Osmosis

In this experiment, students use artificial cells to study the relationship of surface area and volume. Then they will create models of living cells to explore osmosis and diffusion, and observe osmos


Cellular Respiration

In this experiment, students learn how to apply the gas laws to the function of the microrespirometer. Students will observe cell respiration of germinating seeds and describe the effects of temperatu


Cell Division - Mitosis and Meiosis

The objective of the experiment is for students to identify and differentiate various stages in mitosis and meiosis. Onion root tips are stained to identify the various stages and duration of mitosis.


How Does a Doctor Test for AIDS?

Your body defends itself from attack by infectious agents like bacteria & viruses by producing antibodies. Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISA) test for antibodies present in the blood, which in


DNA DuraGel™ (for 2 Gels)

DNA DuraGel™ gels are permanent polymer gels that allow students to practice the critically important skill of pipetting/gel loading. The clear, reusable gels are designed for the practice of loading


Melt and Pour UltraSpec-Agarose™ 400 ml

Melt and Pour UltraSpec-Agarose™ consists of 0.8% electrophoretic grade UltraSpec-Agarose™ in tris-acetate-EDTA buffer, pH 7.8. The agarose concentration is sufficient for the separation of DNA fragme


Electrophoresis Reagent Package with FlashBlue™ Stain

This Electrophoresis Reagent package contains enough reagents to perform up to 40 electrophoresis experiments with the EDVOTEK Electrophoresis Apparatus Model #M6, M12 or M36 based upon an agarose gel


Gel Loading (10x) Solution

This concentrated solution is used to prepare nucleic acid and protein samples for agarose or polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Gel loading solution includes protein denaturants and the negatively c


Practice Gel Load Solution (5 ml)

Practice Gel Load Solution (5 ml)


SYBR® Safe Stain

Save time, money, the environment...and get better gel results! SYBR Safe® is a DNA stain that fluoresces with a bright green color when excited with UV light. Like Ethidium Bromide, SYBR Safe® binds


Proteinase K

Proteinase K is required to prepare the lysis solution for isolation of DNA from hair. Proteinase K is a broad-spectrum serine protease which is stable over a wide range of pH. and is a convenient lyo


Small Petri Plates

(60 x 15 mm, 1 shelf pack of 20)


Microtest Tube Rack

Single rack


5 ml Pipets, Disposable (50 Pack)

5 ml Pipets, Disposable


10 ml Pipets, Disposable (50 Pack)

10 ml Pipets, Disposable



Precast Polyacrylamide 3 Gels

• (3) 4-20% Tris-Glycine-SDS Precast Polyacrylamide Gel (PAGE) • Size: 9 x 10 cm • Designed for Separating Protein Fragments 20-100 kDa • Each Gel Has 10 Wells • Well Volume is 30 µl • Requires Refrig


Tris-glycine-SDS Powdered Buffer

For protein gel electrophoresis


Next Generation 6/8 Tooth Double Comb

This next generation comb is compatible with EDGE, M12 & M36 electrophoresis and yields sharper bands with a more secure fit! *Not Compatible with Classic Gel Trays


Next Generation E-Z Align™ Tray (7 x 7 cm)

Features highlighted gel loading line and includes: Includes: (1) 7x7 cm Gel Tray and (2) Rubber End Caps *Not Compatible with Classic Combs & End Caps


Dryzyme® - Eco RI

Dryzyme™ samples are ready for restriction enzyme digestion reactions after rehydration and dissolving. Each of the 3 enclosed tubes contains 500 units of enzymes for a total of 1500 units. • Storage:


Dryzyme® - Bam HI

Dryzyme™ samples are ready for restriction enzyme digestion reactions after rehydration and dissolving. Each of the 3 enclosed tubes contains 500 units of enzyme for a total of 1500 units. Storage: So


Prestained Lyophilized Protein Gel Markers

Protein samples are denatured, lyophilized and ready for electrophoresis after rehydrating and heating. • Store in Freezer with Desiccant • 3 Tubes of Protein Marker, each tube contains material to lo


Chemotaxis: The Science of Attraction in C. elegans

All organisms are affected by 'scent' molecules in the environment, including a multicellular organism called Caenorhabditis elegans. These worms are composed of 959 somatic cells, of which 300 are ne


Invisible Footprints: Seeing Carbon Dioxide and Understanding Climate Change

What would happen if each person was in charge of their own personal atmosphere? In this colorful experiment, students actually are! Explore the global carbon cycle and climate change in a simple, pos


Water Quality Testing III: Multiplex PCR Testing of Water Contaminants

Drinking water is routinely tested for contamination. If a screening tests positive, more sophisticated tests are required. One such test uses PCR in multiplex format. In this experiment, students wil


Identification of Genetically Modified Foods Using PCR

Some foods contain raw materials from genetically modified organisms (GMO). Examples include tofu, corn flakes and corn meal. In this experiment, your students will extract DNA from food or plant mate


Long Wave UV Light

A hand-held UV light that is used to detect hydrolysis of the fluorescent substrate and fluorescent Artemia and Daphnia after their ingestion. Also useful for observing fluorescence in Green (gfp) and


Analysis of Mammalian Cell Types

Your students will be amazed at the differences they observe between various mammalian cell types and how these cells function. Cells are fixed on microscope slides and students stain the cells on the


Chromosome Spread (Pre-Fixed Slides)

During mitosis, each of our chromosomes is duplicated. The chromosomes are then separated during mitosis, moving to opposite ends of the cell before cell division. In this experiment, cells have been


Researching Alzheimer's Disease by ELISA

In this experiment, students will become neuroscientists searching for Alzheimer's Disease biomarkers. Students will explore potential biomarkers by analyzing simulated patient samples from control an


Artificial Selection

Students will perform artificial selection on a population of Quick Plant™, and identify traits that vary in the population. Then they will perform artificial selection by cross-pollinating only selec


DNA Samples ONLY for 24 Gels in Microtest Tubes

This experiment introduces students to the principles and applications of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). This simulation experiment does not contain human DNA and does not require a thermal cycl


Mapping of Restriction Sites on Plasmid DNA

DNA mapping is a common procedure used to determine the location of genes. In this experiment, DNA markers and pre-digested plasmid DNA fragments are mapped using agarose gel electrophoresis. • Unders


Principles of Gel Filtration Chromatography

Introduce chromatographic separation to your class and show them how dyes of different colors separate on the basis of their size and shape. This experiment contains materials for dye separation which


DNA Samples ONLY for 24 Gels in Microtest Tubes

Immortality through uncontrolled cell division is a characteristic of cancer cells. The p53 gene is a tumor suppressor gene which prevents this. Mutations in this gene are present in more than 50% of


DNA Samples ONLY for 24 Gels in Microtest Tubes

Elevated blood cholesterol has been established as a serious risk factor for coronary heart disease and stroke which are leading causes of death in the United States. A disease known as familial hyper


Ready-to-Load DNA Sequencing

Introduce your students to the exciting science of DNA Sequencing. This kit contains the four Ready-to-Load sequenced DNAs (nucleotides A, C, G, & T) in an easy to use, safe format. Students load the


Detection of Genetically Modified Organisms

For centuries, humans have used selective breeding and conventional hybridization to produce desirable qualities and to increase crop yields. Today, scientists use genetic engineering to directly mani


Determination of Protein Molecular Weight

Using prestained LyphoProteins™, subunit molecular weights are determined by analysis using denaturing SDS vertical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Prestained Proteins with unknown molecular weigh


Detection of a Simulated Infectious Agent

NGSS-aligned with MS-LS2.C An infectious outbreak requires prompt & accurate identification of the biological agent. Often, early clinical symptoms are first identified in exposed individuals & then i


Forensics Enzymology

Enzymes can accomplish a lot but can they also solve a crime? In this simulation experiment, students will determine the level of the enzyme amylase for two drivers to determine who was responsible fo


Mini-Prep Isolation of Plasmid DNA

Small-scale rapid isolation of plasmid DNA is a routine procedure used for screening and analysis of recombinant DNAs in cloning and subcloning experiments. In this experiment, students isolate plasmi


Going Un-Viral: Virus Quantification Using Plaque Assays

In this simulation experiment, students will use a viral plaque assay to determine the viral load of two patients undergoing antiviral treatment. They will then share classroom data to evaluate the tr


DNA/RNA Microarrays

Membrane microarray technology is enabling scientists to screen large numbers of samples in one assay. This technology has led to cost savings by reducing the sample size, while saving time and yieldi


LyphoProtein™ Samples ONLY for 12 Gels in Microtest Tubes

LyphoProtein™ samples for 12 groups • Store Desiccated @ -20° C • Use within 9 months of receipt


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